The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 189, Summer 2023

Letter from the Editor
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

Attendance at “Una Cum Benedicto” Tridentine Latin Masses
by Rev. Fr. Martin Stepanich, OFM
Editor’s commentary: The following article was written by Fr. Martin Stepanich, OFM, and printed in the March 2009 issue of The Four Marks under the title of “Attendance at ‘Una Cum Benedicto’ Tridentine Latin Masses.” Fr. Martin was a faithful Franciscan priest who staunchly resisted the doctrinal and liturgical errors resulting from Vatican II. After his ordination in 1941, Fr. Martin was assigned for further studies by his superiors, eventually receiving a doctorate in sacred theology from Catholic University, Washington DC, in 1948. Fr. Martin was a friend and supporter of The Reign of Mary magazine, making several contributions some years ago. Since he gave me permission to print any of his articles, I have decided to reprint this important article, especially since the question of the lawfulness of attending such Masses seems to recur from time to time. Although Fr. Martin refers to Mass “una cum Benedicto” (since Benedict XVI was the false pope at the time of his writing); nevertheless, mutatis mutandis, the same principles apply today.

Of Diet and Conscience
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
One phenomenon of modern life is the trend toward adopting vegetarian (no consumption of animal flesh) or vegan (no meat or animal products) types of diets. What is a Catholic to think about these choices? I will discuss this topic, as well as the topic of diet in general, in this editorial...


Infallibility: A Charism of Christ’s Church (Part I)
by Rev. Fr. Brendan Hughes, CMRI
For this came I into the world that I should give testimony of the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice” (John 18:37).
Christ is the infallible truth and He communicated that truth to mankind in coming upon earth. He established His Church that the truth of His doctrine would remain inviolate. Thus, He endowed His Church with infallible teaching authority. By our very nature, mankind yearns for truth. Even Pilate, the cowardly procurator, asked Our Lord, “What is truth?” Unfortunately, he failed to cooperate with the supernatural efficacy of the admonishing words of Our Lord...

Excommunicated! The Life and Thoughts of Rev. Father Joaquin Sáenz Arriaga, SJ (Part IV)
by Antonio Rius Facius, Translated by Rev. Fr. Ephrem Cordova, CMRI
A peculiar characteristic of the Society of Jesus is the surprising transfer of residence and the assignment of various tasks entrusted to its members. Fr. Sáenz Arriaga, who had carried out his work so effectively with the students of Guadalajara, was sent to teach Spanish in El Paso, Texas, and at Spring Hill College, Mobile, Alabama. After spending the years 1936 and 1937 in the United States, he was sent to the house of Santa María de Guadalupe in Chihuahua, Chihuahua. With him was the Jesuit Fr. Guillermo Terrazas, and both were dedicated to organizing spiritual exercises, not only in the state capital, but also in other northern cities....

American Heroes of the Faith: The Incredible Tale of the “Wizard Clip”
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Our regular installments in this column deal with persons—American heroes of the Faith. For this article, however, I would like to relate an historical event, or rather a series of events, pertaining to our American Catholic history. It is a story that is little known, and yet it ought to be well known to all of us. At the same time, in the course of narrating the following remarkable events, we will not fail to give short biographies of a few priests who were intimately involved in this story...

How to Overcome Our Predominant Fault
Part II of a Lenten Retreat Sermon Preached by Rev. Fr. Joseph Appelhanz
So we shall now continue our examination on the seven capital sins. Avarice is the inordinate desire for worldly goods. Now of course man has a natural right to own things. St. Thomas Aquinas said individuals should have a sufficient amount of material goods for virtuous living so they are not destitute and living hand to mouth...

Joy to the Whole World: The Nativity of Mary
"Thy birthday announced joy to the whole world.” This is a selection from the pious thoughts to be considered during the novena in preparation for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. What is this joy concerning which Holy Mother Church exults on this festival? It is that Mary was conceived without even the smallest stain of sin. She who was to become the mother of the Son of God could not have any history of the sin initiated by Eve. In other words, the Church rejoices, because on this day our Redemption is at hand...

Observing Chastity According to One’s State
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
Among the temptations we must face in life are those that appear under the guise of modern living and fun. “Be not conformed to this world,” St. Paul warns us (Romans, 12:2). The key weapon by which Satan and the evil spirits lure the majority of souls into their control is through the baited trap of lust. Impurity is one of the surest and quickest ways to hell, as Our Lady of Fatima lamented: “More souls go to hell for sins of the flesh than for any other reason.”

World Watch:
Catholic Farmer Wins Lawsuit
Francis Does It Again!
Vigano: Globalism is “Satanic”
Catholic Health Network Performs Sex-Change Operations
New FBI Memo Shows Agency Spying on Traditional Catholics
Francis Receives Blasphemous Artist
An Ecumenical Requiem for a Glacier
Warren Buffett and Abortion
Sacrilege at WYD
Quebec Teenagers Facing Criminal Charges
“We’re Coming for Your Children”