Return to The Reign of Mary No. 189

The Reign of Mary

No. 189: Letter from the Editor

August 22, 2023
Immaculate Heart of Mary

Dear friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. As I write, the summer is quickly passing. That means, for us religious of CMRI, earnest preparations for the new school year and, soon after that, the annual Fatima Conference. Yet as we continue to work for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, what do we see from the modern Conciliar Church of Vatican II? More of the same naturalism.

During the first week of August the spectacle of “World Youth Day (WYD)” was held in Lisbon. The official program announced meetings to promote “integral ecology, social friendship, and mercy.” You can look diligently through the WYD material online, but you won’t find anything about renouncement of the spirit of the world or amendment of life. You will find the typical festival atmosphere with rock music, however. You also cannot help but notice the lack of modesty or piety on the part of the majority of the participants.

But while none of the saints, if they were to return to the earth today, would recognize the events of WYD as being even remotely Catholic, there is constant encouragement on the part of those youth who seek and find the true Faith. We continue to hear from young persons who search for the truth using materials available on good Catholic websites and, by the grace of God, come to a full understanding of the truth. Jesus and Mary are working quietly in souls, without all the fanfare of spectacles such as WYD.

As we continue our labors for souls, we see growth in our parishes with new members and new Mass centers. Let us not, then, be discouraged so much by the spread of error and evil, but rather rejoice that more souls are coming to the true Faith and true devotion to Our Blessed Mother.

We hope to see many of you at the annual Fatima Conference. We also have arranged a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, to take place next May. If you would like more information, you may contact me using the email address below. Finally, let us all continue to “lift up our hearts” (sursum corda), as we continue to love and serve God, ever looking forward to the eternal reunion in heaven.

In the service of Jesus and Mary,
Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI (Email)

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