Novena to Our Lady of Good Counsel

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The CMRI Sisters will be praying a novena in honor of Our Lady of Good Counsel for the nine days preceding her feast on April 26.

The devotion to Our Lady of Good Counsel originated near Rome, where for centuries an Augustinian church, which contains a miraculous picture of Mary, has been a place of pilgrimage. Your earthly pilgrimage is beset with many dangers. You are in need of advice in the serious problems of life. Remember that Jesus gave you a counselor who will never fail you. Go to your Heavenly Mother with childlike confidence and abandonment. Entrust yourself to her prudent guidence, for she is your Mother of Good Counsel.


Novena Prayers

"I, Wisdom, dwell in counsel and am present in learned thoughts... Counsel is mine, prudence is mine, strength is mine" (Prov. 8:12,14).

May the kind intercession of Mary, Thy glorious and ever Virgin-Mother, be our help, we pray Thee, O Lord, that it may make those whom it has blessed with continual favors ever to know what should be done, and then strengthen them to carry it out faithfully. Who livest and reignest forever. Amen. O Mary, thou art favored more than all other women on earth, for in the presence of our God thou hast aided us in our weakness. Rule over us, thou and thy Son, because thou hast freed us from the hands of our enemies.
Hail Mary...

Mary Speaks:
“He that listens to me shall not be put to shame, and they that work by me shall not sin” (Ecclus. 24:30).
Hail Mary...

Let us pray.
O God, who didst give her who bore Thy beloved Son, to be our Mother, and didst deign to glorify her fair image by a wondrous apparition, grant, we beseech Thee, that by always following her counsels we may be able to live after Thine own Heart and arrive happily in our heavenly fatherland. Though the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Our Lady of Good Counsel

Dear Sisters,
I ask you to remember my special intentions during your novena in preparation for and in honor of the feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel. Please accept this offering in gratitude for your life of consecration and work for souls, and in honor of Our Lady.

*(A donation is customary but not required; you may just put a zero in the blank below. When you click the "Donate" button, you will be taken to a page where you may submit your prayer intentions.)
