Return to The Reign of Mary No. 191

The Reign of Mary

No. 191: Letter from the Editor

March 7, 2024
St. Thomas Aquinas

Dear friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. Our lead article in this first issue of 2024 exposes the heretical nature of a document issued by the Vatican in December, under the signature of “Pope” Francis. It is indeed shocking and tragic to realize that the supposed pope officially sanctions and encourages the blessing of homosexual unions. Even though we faithful Catholics have long-since recognized the true nature of the counterfeit church that still retains the name “Catholic,” we are nevertheless saddened by the continued insults to God that emanate from the Modernist usurpers in the Vatican. As we perform our Lenten sacrifices during this holy season, let us call to mind the urgent need for reparation and also pray that those souls who are deceived will have the grace to recognize the truth and, rejecting the Novus Ordo, find their way back to the true Mass.

As we call to mind the numerous attacks on Christ’s Church, let us also remember that St. Joseph has been declared the patron of the Universal Church (Pope Pius IX, December 8, 1870). The foster father of Jesus provided for the Holy Family and protected Our Lord and His holy Mother during the flight into Egypt. He also looks over the Mystical Body of Christ with a watchful eye. We must have great confidence in his powerful intercession with Jesus and Mary and turn to him in all our needs. When all seems hopeless, let us confidently invoke his patronage.

Finally, as we enter Holy Week and prepare for the feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord, let us not forget that “The disciple is not above the master, nor the servant above his lord” (Matt. 10:24). If Jesus was rejected by the world, can we expect anything better? We must follow our divine Master on the way of the cross and suffer with Him on Calvary. (“If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow me” Matt. 16:24.) Our crosses, however, are light and nearly insignificant in comparison with His. Let us not complain of the cross but rather remind ourselves that it is by carrying the cross given to us that we will merit to rise with Christ on the Last Day. Our joy at Easter is only a foretaste of the everlasting joy destined for us, if we but persevere in living our precious Catholic faith.

In the service of Jesus and Mary,
Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI (Email)

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