The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 188, Spring 2023

Letter from the Editor
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

“Is the Pope Catholic?”
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Several months ago I came across an interesting article on the website “LifeSiteNews.” The actual title of the article was “Is Pope Francis Catholic?” No doubt, you have heard the cliché: Is the Pope Catholic? This rhetorical question is often used to elicit a response of, “Well, of course!” The first known use of the term was in 1959, when a boxer was asked whether or not his opponent hit hard. When he responded to the question with “Is the Pope Catholic?” it was another way of saying, “Well, of course, he hits hard. What did you think?”...

The Infallibility of the Catholic Church in her Universal Laws and Sacramental Rites
The Death Knell for Feeneyism and Recognize-and-Resist...
by Mario Derksen for Novus Ordo Watch, May 4, 2023
In his 1943 encyclical letter on the Mystical Body of Christ, Pope Pius XII (r. 1939-1958) clarified that the Roman Catholic Church, although made up of human beings who are sinners, is nevertheless perfectly holy in those things that pertain to her divine constitution and the fulfillment of her mission — that of teaching, governing, and sanctifying souls so that they may attain the Beatific Vision. As “the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth” (1 Tim 3:15), our Lord’s is thus “a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but … holy, and without blemish” (Eph 5:27)...

Excommunicated! The Life and Thoughts of Rev. Father Joaquin Sáenz Arriaga, SJ (Part III)
by Antonio Rius Facius, Translated by Rev. Fr. Ephrem Cordova, CMRI
The press of that day highlighted the news: For “insults to the pope” the Miter excommunicates an anti-progressive priest. In the same newspaper, in the editorial section, the concise, accurate comment warned: The young Jesuit priest, entering fully into his ministry in Mexico, wasted no time in routine or comfortable jobs. In his relations with the Guadalajara student body, he took an interest in the problems concerning the university students, until he became part of the Catholic re-conquest movement started and continued under various plans, coinciding on the purpose, diverging in the media. And here a disagreement is imposed whose importance will be established when observing the results achieved by the UNEC (National Union of Catholic Students) and other groups that, due to their privacy, have not been duly valued in the contemporary history of Mexico. To defend their ideas and their very existence at the National University of Mexico, active Catholic students had created, in 1926, the National Confederation of Catholic Students, whose first ecclesiastical advisor was the Jesuit Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez, who was executed on November 23, 1927, before he could consolidate the work he had begun...

American Heroes of the Faith: Archbishop Charles John Seghers, Apostle of Alaska
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
The first European country to lay claim to Alaska was Russia, whose explorers first sailed to that territory in the early 18th century. When Vitus Bering returned from his 1741 voyage to Alaska with high-quality sea otter pelts, fur traders began to sail there regularly from Siberia. Eventually, the Russians established a permanent settlement in Alaska in 1784. Although attempts were made to colonize the vast territory, the venture was never really profitable. Along came the United States...

Discovering Our Predominant Fault
A Lenten retreat sermon preached by Rev. Fr. Joseph Appelhanz
Afterwards, Jesus findeth Him in the temple, and saith to him: Behold thou art made whole: sin no more, lest some worse thing happen to thee” John 5:14. There is no greater evil in this world than sin. We all know this very well. Yet do we ever take the time to really think about just how horrible sin is? The best way to understand the evil of sin is to look at its results. Sin has corrupted the world. Just one unforgiven mortal sin is sufficient to send a person to hell for all eternity. In order for the guilt of sin to be remitted, God Himself had to die. Think about that for a moment. The Second Person of the Blessed Trinity suffered and died to make up for the sins that I committed...

True Devotion to Mary: Part VI
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
St. Louis Marie de Montfort summarizes the charitable duties that Our Lady fulfills for her faithful servants: she loves them, fosters and nourishes them, conducts and directs them, defends and protects them, and intercedes for them. 1. She loves them. The Blessed Virgin Mary is our real spiritual Mother, given to us by Christ on Calvary. Our Lady paid dearly for us because she accepted the Passion and death of her Divine Son and offered Him for our redemption. Mary loves us because we are loved by God. She also loves us because we love her and have consecrated ourselves to her...

Respice Stellam, Voca Mariam: The Most Holy Name of Mary
St. Bernard (1090-1153) was one of the great lovers of Our Blessed Mother. As the highly-esteemed abbot of the monastery of Clairvaux in France, he was called upon to settle disputes, to heal schisms and to preach a crusade, among other things. Yet, despite his travels and labors, he found time to write beautiful treatises and sermons on the faith and, in particular, on the Holy Name of Jesus and on Our Blessed Mother. He also believed to be the author of one of the most famous prayers to Our Lady, the Memorare: “Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known...”

World Watch:
Francis “Canonizes” Schismatics
FBI Accused of Targeting Catholics
Novus Ordo Bishop Wears Candy Bar Wreath
Professional Athlete Doesn’t Hide His Faith
Francis Donates Relics of the Cross for Anglican Ceremony
The Thinking of England’s New King
Conciliar “Priest” Deliberately Drops Host on the Floor
Blasphemous Rainbow Cross Displayed
Another Example of the Fruits of Vatican II
Covid Summit at European Parliament