Return to The Reign of Mary No. 177

The Reign of Mary

No. 177: Letter from the Editor

September 15, 2020
Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dear Friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. This month of September is dedicated to honoring our Sorrowful Mother. The heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary, utterly sinless and always full of grace, was pierced by the sword of sorrow, due to the sins of mankind. As co-redemptrix, she shared in the Sacred Passion of her divine Son. As the new Eve, she joined her unspeakable sorrows to the blood of Jesus, imploring God’s mercy upon the world.

We all can sympathize with that incredible pain, for we too have our own sorrows. In fact, no one who has attained the use of reason traverses this vale of tears without experiencing many sorrows — often of our own making. To add to the inevitable sorrows of life, we are now confronted with anxiety for our safety and our future, given the many twists and turns of recent events in our country.

The past few months have certainly been unprecedented. Who could have guessed at the beginning of this year that a coronavirus pandemic would wreak such personal and economic devastation? Or that our cities would be torn by riots? Or that a liberal wave of hysteria would result in destruction of statues, buildings, personal property, etc.? On top of that, the uncertainty of the looming fall election causes many to fear for what may be ahead.

In times like these we Catholics instinctively turn to Our Blessed Mother, who is terrible as an army set in array. At one word from her the demons tremble and flee, for she will always have the victory over Satan and his infernal legions. Let us then not lose our trust in the love and solicitude of her Immaculate Heart for her children. Let us console her in her deep sorrows, and ask her compassionate kindness to assuage our own. Let us re-consecrate ourselves to her Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, as we call to mind her triumph at Fatima on October 13.

“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph” — so runs her promise. Let us remember, as we pray for our country, our loved ones and our fellow citizens, that the greatest triumph is the salvation of souls, just as the greatest tragedy is the loss of a single soul. May Our Blessed Mother triumph in the hearts of men, just as she always triumphs as Queen of heaven and earth. And lest us not fear the trials of life, for she will sustain us and lead us at last to the Kingdom of Jesus, her divine Son and our Savior.

In Jesus and Mary,
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI (Email)

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