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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 176, Spring 2020

° Letter from the Editor
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

Brother Mary Joseph, CMRI
A Devotee of Our Lady and Her Rosary is Called Home
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
As we entered the month of June, 2020, God called from this world a religious who had served Him for more than 50 years. Brother Mary Joseph, CMRI, was the oldest member of the Congregation of Priests and Brothers of Mary Immaculate Queen, not only in age but also in the amount of time spent in religion. He will long be remembered for his devotion to the Rosary and to the message of Our Lady of Fatima....

Root of the Problem
Vigano Lays His Finger on the Source of Post-Conciliar Errors
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Readers of The Reign of Mary are well aware of our view regarding Vatican Council II — namely, that it is a heretical council which inaugurated a new religion. In particular, we have outlined specific errors in its decrees. (See, for example, The Reign of Mary #148.) The Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen, which publishes this magazine, has always insisted that Vatican II was heretical and must be entirely rejected as a “robber council.”

On Paternalism in Government
Statement of the Administrative Committee of the National Catholic Welfare Council, February, 1922
The following statement, first published in 1922, foresaw the problems that citizens would face if the United States government did not curb its bureaucracy. Without doubt, our individual freedoms are critically impaired, and our states’ governments increasingly “sovietized:” The growth of bureaucracy in the United States is one of the most significant aftereffects of the war. This growth must be resolutely checked. Federal assistance and federal direction are in some cases beneficial and even necessary; but extreme bureaucracy is foreign to everything American. It is unconstitutional and undemocratic....

The Religion of Islam: A Threat to Western Civilization
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
An article on LifeSiteNews on May 19th caught my attention. According to that article, during the closure of churches in the U.K. due to the coronavirus, a London suburb granted permission for nine mosques to broadcast the Islamic call to prayer during Ramadan. The words of the Adhan (the call to prayer) are “Allah is the greatest. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Come to prayer. Come to salvation.”....

In Season — Out of Season
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
My dearly beloved in Christ, this being the month of June, the month dedicated to the Sacred Heart, I would like to speak about devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. In particular I will repeat much of what I said nine days ago on the Feast of the Sacred Heart, as I know some of you were not present. And that has to do with how, or perhaps I should say why, we serve God. Why do we practice our Catholic Faith? Why do we keep the Ten Commandments? Why do we do this? ....

Respice Stellam, Voca Mariam
A Holy Year Gift to Our Lady: Proclamation of the Dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
We read in the book of Leviticus in the Old Testament that the Jewish people observed a special year of jubilee every 50 years (Leviticus, 25:8-13). It was a time when slaves and prisoners would be freed, debts would be forgiven, and God’s mercy would be particularly manifest. This Jewish custom, given by God to Moses, was the inspiration for Pope Boniface VIII when he instituted the first Holy Year in 1300. It was a year of special indulgences for pilgrims who visited the tombs of Ss. Peter and Paul....

Catholic Family Life
A Father’s Quiz (Examination of Conscience)
The following “Quiz” was found on a leaflet bearing the Imprimatur of John F. Dearden, Bishop of Pittsburgh, dated August 4, 1952. (In 1958 he was named Archbishop of Detroit.) Since Father’s Day occurs during this month of June, it is an appropriate time to reprint this brief article. Our Catholic families desperately need strong and devout Catholic fathers, especially in this age. Let us pray for our Catholic fathers! ....

American Heroes of the Faith
Missionaries of the Upper Midwest, Part II
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
As he lay dying on May 18, 1675, Father Marquette uttered his final words: “Mother of God, remember me.” These words give evidence of the deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary which all the great missionaries cherished. No doubt it was, in great part, due to this devotion to Our Blessed Mother, that success crowned the work of early missionaries in North America....

Servus Mariae
Spiritual and Physical Dangers of Obsessive Use of Technology
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
We live in a world which revolves around the latest technological devices: phones, tablets and laptops. The tragic part is the fact that it is not only affecting adults in a detrimental way, but it has a devastating effect upon children and youth. Natasha Dow Schull, a professor at MIT, compares the obsession with these items with that of those addicted to gambling in Las Vegas. After interviewing gamblers, Schull explains that “winning isn’t really the point, even the money isn’t really the point. It’s being in the ‘zone.’ They’re so engrossed in the games they’re playing they lose track of time” (Angelus, February 2, 2018, Naomi Schaefer Riley, Parenting With a Wired Child, pp. 12-15)....

Spiritual Aids for Confraternity Members for the months of July, August and September

World Watch:
Francis Adds New Invocation to Litany
Novus Ordo “Bishop” Endorses Pride Month
Biden Pledges to Reinstate Obama Transgender Military Policy
Cardinal Wants to Fuse Novus Ordo and Tridentine Mass
Governor Wants Complete Control Over Citizen’ Lives
There He Goes Again: Francis and Mother Earth
Excommunicated Woman Represents Liberal Priest Group
Far-Left Protesters Destroy Statue of Fr. Junipero Serra
Freemasonic Magazine Endorses Vatican Document
Canada to Expand Euthanasia
The “Fear of Hell” Wording Not Welcome in Conciliar Church
WHO’s Push for Radical Sex Education
Fatima Shrine Closed
England Will Now “Presume Consent” for Harvesting Organs
Conciliar Bishop Bans Communion on the Tongue
In Call for Prayer Francis Doesn’t Mention Christ or Sin