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The Reign of Mary

Vol. XLVIII, No. 163: Letter from the Editor

February 24, 2017
Feast of St. Matthias

Dear friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. You well know that the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen is dedicated to preserving the true Faith and to living and promoting the message of Our Lady of Fatima. Of course, this year marks the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima. We rejoice as we celebrate this anniversary, which will be the special focus of our annual Fatima Conference in October, but we also should examine ourselves on how faithfully we are fulfilling Our Blessed Mother’s requests.

There are many souls who claim to be devotees of Our Lady and her message. Yet, due to the poisonous teachings of Vatican II and the Conciliar Church, they have forgotten or fail to heed what the Blessed Virgin Mary requested. For example, the teachings of the Church on modesty in dress, which she so urgently demanded, are violated even at her very shrine of Fatima! This, of course, is due to the utter lack of instruction and enforcement by the clergy of the Modern Church.

If we seriously wish to fulfill Our Lady’s requests, we must, first and foremost, hold the Faith, which has been handed down to us since the time of the apostles. For “without faith, it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews, 11:6). All the exterior devotion to Our Lady will achieve nothing, if one rejects the Faith and the Church which Christ founded.

We members of the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen will continue to “hold fast” (cf. II Timothy, 1:14) the Faith which we have received from our forebears, from the popes, councils, theologians, saints, and doctors of the Church. For without this, our service of Our Lady would be only lip service. May we all persevere in the true Faith and in true devotion to Our Lady, who came to admonish us at Fatima 100 years ago.

In the service of Jesus and Mary
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
(Email Father)

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