Vocations Weekend at St. Michael's Convent - March 7-9, 2025


Now is your chance to experience convent life:

See what motivates the Sisters;
Pray and reflect about your future;
Get your questions answered.

The harvest is great, and the laborers too few, and so many souls are being lost.

Jesus calls many to follow Him, the world and its pleasures drown out His voice, and few even consider it.

Are you afraid?

Do you think religious life is sad and lonely? Ah, if you only knew what treasures He gives to those who give Him all, and what happiness they experience both in this life and in the next. Now is your chance to meet young women who, like you, were once fearful and full of doubt — but are no longer...

Won’t you at least consider the possibility? Souls may be hanging in the balance over your choice. This may be the most important decision of your entire life.

Give Our Lord a chance...

Is Christ knocking at your heart?

Is Christ knocking at the door of your heart?

There are no fees, and the Sisters will take care of your meals, lodging and transportation to and from the airport.

Those who will be traveling to Spokane from other locations are encouraged to come a day early (Thursday). We will provide your meals and lodging for the extra time, as well as activities to keep you occupied until the Vocations Weekend begins on Friday afternoon.


This event begins about 3:30 on Friday afternoon, when the young ladies are given the keys to their rooms and have some time to get settled. Then one of the Sisters gives an orientation talk to give the girls an idea of what to expect over the weekend.

The retreat usually ends about noon on Sunday.


  • You must be a single young woman who is at least a junior in high school and no older than 35 years of age.
  • You must be aware that CMRI is a sedevacantist traditional Catholic community (pre-Vatican II Church teachings, traditional Latin Mass, is not part of the “mainstream” Catholic Church). CMRI is Roman Catholic, and is faithful to all the teachings of the Catholic Church handed down to us through the Popes through the ages.

What to Bring


  • Modest skirts or dresses
  • Sweater for inside (the Mount can be chilly at times)
  • Jacket or coat
  • Mantilla or some other head covering for chapel
  • Nice shoes to wear to Mass
  • Athletic shoes for active recreation (volleyball, etc.) outside or in the gym


  • Toiletries, supplements, medicine, and other personal things you need.
  • Missal
  • Rosary
  • You may bring spiritual reading or meditation books if you wish, but we will also provide these for you.

If you will be flying in (or coming by train or bus, for that matter), we will be happy to pick you up at no charge. If you have your flight information, please include it in the message box below. *Please include the airline and flight number.

Registration Form






    *Zip code

    *Telephone (so we can contact you, especially if you are flying in)



    I will need to be picked up at the airport:
