2024 Fatima Conference Recordings (CDs)

    CD Set of All 2024 Fatima Conference Lectures
    “The Gates of Hell Shall not Prevail” - Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI
    Defeating Satan, Who Seeks the Ruin of Souls - Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
$  5.00
    The Mother of Divine Grace Renews the Gospel Message at Fatima - Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI
$  5.00
    Keynote Address - “Ave Maria, Gratia Plena, Dominus Tecum” - Fr. Johannes Heyne
$  5.00
    Church History: How to Answer the Lies Against the Catholic Church - Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
$  5.00
    Apostolicity: The Church of Christ, Visible and Indefectible Today as It Was Yesterday - Fr. Gabriel Lavery, CMRI
$  5.00
    Ave Maria - The Inspiration of Church Music through the Ages - Fr. Philip Davis, CMRI
$  5.00
    The Sanctity of Matrimony for the Preservation of Catholic Culture - Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
$  5.00
    Question and Answer Session with Conference Speakers
$  5.00
    From Darkness to Light: “For Thou Art My Lamp, O Lord” - Mr. Louie Verrecchio
$  5.00
    Opening and Closing Remarks, Sermons
$  5.00
    2024 Day of Recollection (4 talks on Set of 4 CDs): Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI; Fr. Philip Davis, CMRI;
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI; Fr. Aloysius Hartman, CMRI