Return to The Reign of Mary No. 193

The Reign of Mary

No. 193: Letter from the Editor

August 30, 2024
St. Rose of Lima

Dear friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. In his lamentation over the deaths of Saul and Jonathan, David cried out: “How are the valiant fallen?” (Kings, 1:24, 27). We might say the same of the former Catholic countries of Europe. They have a glorious past, but have long since abandoned their Catholic heritage. Of them we might use the adage corruptio optimi pessima (“The corruption of the best becomes the worst.”) We have a saying in English that conveys the same: “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

This thought came to mind when I heard of the blasphemous and scandalous performance in Paris to open the Olympic Games in July. The Satanic performance was a mockery of the Last Supper and a tribute to the transgender movement. As Novus Ordo Watch opined: “It was surely no accident that about 24 hours later, Paris suffered an electric blackout which only left the Basilica of the Sacred Heart (Sacré-Cœur) illuminated.”

What was truly shocking, however, was the muted outrage expressed by the hierarchy of the Novus Ordo establishment. The French bishops, for example, released a statement which expressed how they “profoundly deplore” what took place. The supposed “Pope” Francis, however, was utterly silent. Finally, two weeks later, the Vatican issued a statement that he was “saddened” by the display. The French politicians and organizing committee, however, defended the performance, claiming it meant to show “openness” to everyone. For her part, First Lady Jill Biden thought it was wonderful!

Again, this fiasco is a reminder of how far the formerly Catholic countries of Europe have fallen. At one point of history such a mockery of Christ and the Faith would have led to riots in the streets. Today, where is the outrage? Formerly Catholic countries such as France, have long since abandoned their attachment to the true Faith.

For our part, we must never cease to thank God that we have been preserved from the blindness that impairs so many former Catholics. As Our Lord said to the Pharisees: “If you were blind, you would not have sin. But now that you say, ‘We see’, your sin remains” (John 9:41). May God preserve us from the blindness that results from rejecting one’s Catholic faith.

We hope to see many of you at the annual Fatima Conference in October. Let us never forget the importance of living the message of Fatima, especially in the times in which we live.

In the service of Jesus and Mary,
Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI (Email)

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