The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 193, Summer 2024

Letter from the Editor
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

The Church and Cinema: What Was the Legion of Decency?
by Rev. Fr. Aloysius Hartman, CMRI
There is a lot of information and many misconceptions surrounding the Church’s involvement in the area of film production. In the very early stages of cinema, the Popes of the Catholic Church saw movie entertainment as the double-edged sword that it is, although nowadays one could make the argument that it is really just a one-sided sword, as the other side of the blade, which was supposed to be enjoyment and relaxation of the mind and body in the form of actual entertainment, has been blunted almost into non-existence...

The Role of Games in Catholic Life: Pitfalls and Prospects
by Mr. Sam Thomsen
Mass Culture and Games. The Church has always discouraged the faithful from harmful entertainment, and this is as true with games. Gambling is regarded as sinful, and as for other games, the question is whether they edify or lead to sin. As St. Francis de Sales points out, “Those games which serve to exercise mental or bodily activity or skill, such as bowls, chess, etc., are praiseworthy amusements in themselves. You must, of course, guard against excess either in the time they occupy, or the importance given them. . . they become evils as soon as they absorb the heart.”...

Excommunicated! The Life and Thoughts of Rev. Fr. Joaquin Sáenz
Part VII: The Postconciliar Church

by Antonio Rius Facius, Translated by Rev. Fr. Ephrem Cordova, CMRI
His Holiness Pius XII died at Castelgandolfo on October 9, 1958. During his pontificate he was able to contain the endless conspiracy against the structures of the Church and Catholic theology, already denounced by his remote predecessor, Pope St. Pius X, whom he had elevated to the altars. Once this exceptional Pontiff had passed, in the conclave called to elect a new pope subtle elements of discord were introduced. The naivete or credulity of the older cardinals encountered serious obstacles in choosing a faithful follower of the work carried out by Pastor Angelicus, and they compromised in the selection of the elderly Cardinal Angelo Roncalli, who skillfully made an electoral campaign in October, 1958, to ensure 36 of the 50 votes of the conclave that elevated him to the papacy with the name of John XXIII, as revealed by Cardinal Eugenio Tisserant in a document released after his death...

American Heroes of the Faith: The American Princes
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Like the mustard seed of the Gospel, the Catholic Church in the United States began as a small, scattered, and oft-persecuted flock. Before the Revolutionary War Catholics were free to practice their faith unhindered only in Pennsylvania. With the success of the Revolution and the founding of the United States of America, the Church finally achieved the liberty to which she has a God-given right. Further, with the influx of Catholic immigrants from Europe, she began to grow rapidly. Over time, the Catholic Church in this country achieved a prominent place in the Mystical Body of Christ throughout the world. Yet it was with the appointment of the first American cardinal that the American Church was finally recognized by Europeans as being, if not their equal, at least a growing and prominent part of the universal Church...

The Conversion of Our Children Through the Power of the Rosary
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
In the broken world in which we live, it is crucial that children be raised in the knowledge of the true God so that they learn to love and serve Him as they grow up. Children must be taught the truths of the only Church founded by Christ, the Catholic Church, and instructed to obey the Ten Commandments despite the evil influences of the world, the flesh and the devil. It is the hope and prayer of good parents that by thoroughly instructing their children in the Catholic religion and practicing it at home, it will leave so deep an imprint upon their souls that they will persevere in the practice of virtue. Even if their children go astray, they hope they will eventually see the error of their ways and return to God before it is too late...

Portrait in Stone: Our Lady of Las Lajas
Most American Catholics are familiar with the wonderful story of Our Lady of Guadalupe. It has been nearly 500 years since the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the humble Juan Diego and imprinted her image on his tilma. Yet the intervening centuries have not effaced that miraculous image, despite the fact that the cactus fibers of which the tilma is spun should have decayed long ago. Scientists have marveled at the incredible, life-like image, which is not painted on the material of the tilma; rather, the colors seem to penetrate the fibers. Indeed, the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is an enduring testament to the power of Almighty God and the loving intercession of our heavenly Mother. But did you know that our hemisphere possesses a similarly miraculous portrait of Our Blessed Mother, although this time on stone?Sadly, few American Catholics are familiar with the story of Our Lady of Las Lajas. Yet it is a marvelous story we should all learn. Here are the details...

World Watch:
Shameful Advice from “Pope” Francis to Ugandan LGBT Activists
UK’s NHS to Ask Men if They Are Pregnant?
The Holy Shroud Vindicated
Vatican Restricts Ordination of Traditional-Minded Seminarians
Francis Insults Scientists and Experts
Another Scandal Rocks Boston
Sedevacantism on the Brain
New St. Michael Statue To Be the Largest in the World
Francis in Indonesia
A Jesuit “Ecology” Retreat