Return to The Reign of Mary No. 185
The Reign of Mary
No. 185: Spiritual Aids for Confraternity Members (October, November, December)
- Daily extra prayer: Prayer to St. Joseph after the Rosary (prescribed by Pope Leo XIII)
- Intention: Pray and make extra sacrifices for the spiritual success of the Fatima Conference, for our country and the world.
- Suggested books for spiritual reading: The Secret of the Rosary (de Montfort); Autobiography of St. Anthony Mary Claret; All About the Angels (EDM).
- Since there are not nearly as many Masses and prayers offered for the relief of the Holy Souls as in times past, make it a point to gain as many indulgences as possible for them this month.
- Daily extra prayer: Use of the prayers from Daily Thoughts and Prayers for Our Beloved Dead
- Intention: The relief of the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
- Suggested books for spiritual reading: St. Catherine Labouré (Dirvin), Miguel Pro (Ball); Preparation for Death (Liguori).
- Advent and Christmas are a good time to perform the corporal works of mercy of visiting the sick and donating to the poor.
- Intention: Offer reparation for the sins committed over the past year, and try to remind others by prayers and good example of the true meaning of Christmas.
- Daily extra prayer: “Hail and blessed be the hour and the moment…” Say this prayer often throughout the day.
- Suggested books for spiritual reading: The Incarnation, Birth and Infancy/ (Liguori); A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (Knecht).