The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 183, Winter 2022

Letter from the Editor
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI

Euthanasia — Not a Work of Mercy
By Rev. Fr. Joseph Appelhanz
What is Euthanasia? This is a question which many people are asking today. Everyone is familiar with animal euthanasia, but what about euthanasia for humans? Can a human kill himself, or allow himself to be killed by another person, in order to be spared pain and suffering? For many people, the answer is yes. Consequently, there is a great push for this practice to be legalized throughout the world. In several countries, such as the Netherlands, Belgium, and Canada, the practice is legal. Even in the United States, physician-assisted death is legal in eleven states....

Eclipse of the Church: The Case for Sedevacantism: Part I
By Mario Derksen
When our Blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ founded the Roman Catholic Church, He did so not merely as an institution that would teach His doctrine throughout the world and confer His grace through the sacraments. Neither did He found her simply as an organized community of all who believe in and follow Him. Much more than that, Christ founded the Church as an indefectible supernatural society that would in truth constitute His very own Mystical Body, a body of which He is the Head and the faithful are the members, so that he who is attached to the Body is also attached to the Head...

A New Heaven and a New Earth:
Holy Relics as the Beginning of the Eschatological Transfiguration of Creation

By Rev. Fr. Eugen Rissling
As every Catholic well knows, an essential part of the traditional Catholic faith is the veneration of the relics of saints. First of all, we long to go on pilgrimage to those places where Jesus Christ Himself stayed during His earthly life and where His foot left an imprint on the earth. For example, if one goes to Jerusalem and visits the Garden of Gethsemane, one would be touched by the fact that it is the very place that Jesus sweat blood and prayed fervently to His Father...

The Ethicality of the Modern World
By Timothy Archie
It is difficult in our current times to try to live by the ethics which built our modern Western, Christian civilization. We exist in a society which has reached such a level of luxury and decadence that it is no longer necessary to worry over the problems of previous generations. Our concerns in this age are so minimal that we find ourselves creating issues to give meaning to our lives. As with most decedent societies we find ourselves in revolt against the ethics that brought us to our current position, so we now have the traditional ethos and the new ethos — the Woke ethos. How do we reconcile the opposing ethea? How do we discern which is the one which will serve to take us into the future? Which will benefit the most people and cause inadvertent harm to the fewest?...

Early American Bishops: Part IV Bishop John Hughes, First Archbishop of New York
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
The Catholic bishops who guided the Church in America in those early days of our country deserve our respect and gratitude. They were trailblazers who had to weather the storms of persecution from without and ignorance or bad will from within. In this article we will discuss first, the antipathy against the Church from Protestants and other non-Catholic Americans in the 19th century and, second, the scandals and divisions caused by trustees of Catholic churches, who sought power and control over the Church...

True Devotion to Mary: Part I
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
At Fatima, Our Lady asked for consecration to her Immaculate Heart. On June 13, 1929, Sr. Lucia saw a vision of the Blessed Trinity and Our Lady of Fatima in the Dorothean convent chapel in Tuy, Spain. Her confessor Fr. Goncalves ordered her to write down the message. Our Lady said, “The moment has come in which God asks the Holy Father in union with all the bishops of the world, to make the consecration of Russia to my Immaculate Heart, promising to save it by this means. There are so many souls whom the justice of God condemns for sins committed against me, that I have come to ask reparation: sacrifice yourself for this intention and pray” (John De Marchi I.M.C., Mother of Christ Crusade, p. 211)...
Spiritual Aids for Confraternity Members for the months of January, February and March

The Beauty of Lent
A Sermon Preached on Quinquagesima Sunday by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
My dearly beloved in Christ, you know that the season of Lent is very important. Insofar as our spiritual growth or spiritual advancement we can say that it is the most important season of the year, in which Holy Mother the Church admonishes us to practice penance and self-denial, to reflect upon the Passion of Our Lord, and to imitate the wonderful virtues Christ exhibited during His Passion. Certainly we can and should practice self-denial throughout the year, but Lent is in particular a season of penance. When we are practicing penance together with Catholics throughout the world, it is like the entire Mystical Body of Christ praying to God, begging for His mercy, making atonement for sin, and doing penance in order to draw down God’s blessings...

World Watch:
Francis Doubles Down on Latin Mass Restrictions
Vatican Source Declares “Pope is Dying”
New “Suicide Pod” in Switzerland
Christian Persecution in Finland
Maverick Billionaire Warns of Civilization Decay
SSPX Superior Meets with Francis
Thousands of Baptisms Declared Invalid in V-II Church
Francis Endorses “New Ways Ministry”
Insurance Company Raises Alarm
Macron Pushes an Abortion “Right” for Europe