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The Reign of Mary No. 168

Vol. XLIX, No. 168: Letter from the Editor

June 13, 2018
St. Thomas Aquinas

Dear friends in Our Lady,

Praised be Jesus and Mary. It has now been eight months since last year’s Fatima Conference, yet the memories are still fresh in our minds. It was with joyful hearts that we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions. There were lectures, devotions and the Pontifical High Mass honoring Our Blessed Mother. Finally, on the anniversary itself, at least 800 souls turned out for the magnificent candlelight procession. Now we look forward to this year’s Fatima Conference, as we continue to honor Our Blessed Mother and study to better live her message. We hope that many of our readers will make plans to attend. You will certainly not be disappointed.

This second issue of our quarterly magazine comes quite late. Try as we might, it is difficult for those of us who prepare the magazine to compile each issue, especially during the final weeks and months of our school year. At any rate, I hope that you will find this edition well worth the wait. Among other articles, we have decided to print two of the lectures from last year’s Fatima Conference.

News from the Conciliar Church and its apostate head continues to stupefy those who still believe that Francis is a pope. How can a pope say there is no hell or approve of the homosexual lifestyle? Their consternation arises from their Catholic education, which taught them that the Church can never change its teaching on faith and morals. Church discipline can change, but dogma cannot change.

Even non-Catholics are shocked and dismayed. Despite their separation from the Church, they nevertheless respected the Catholic Church for its unflinching position on the moral law. But now? Those modernists who plotted and then accomplished their designs with Vatican II have a heavy responsibility before God. Recently, the referendum in Ireland (to overturn the amendment to their constitution respecting the life of the unborn) passed by an overwhelming majority. How could this be in a once-Catholic country? The fault lies squarely at the feet of the modernist heretics who have subverted the faith of millions.

While we lament the tragic victories of Satan in destroying souls in our times, let us redouble our efforts to pray for the conversion of those who have been led astray. The words of Our Lady at Fatima apply even more so today than they did over 100 years ago:  “So many souls go to hell, because there is no one to pray and sacrifice for them.” Let us generously respond to her request and strive to save many souls through our prayers, sacrifices, and the faithful living of our holy Catholic faith.

In the service of Jesus and Mary
Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
(Email Father)

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