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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 168, Spring 2018

° Letter from the Editor

° Pastoral Exhortation
Episcopal Warning Concerning the Dangers to One’s Faith Posed by Feeneyism
by the Most Rev. Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI
An unfortunate situation has arisen with a former seminarian who, following the errors of the late Fr. Leonard Feeney (excommunicated by Pope Pius XII in 1953), has obstinately rejected the teachings of the Catholic Church on baptism of desire,...

° On the 60th Anniversary of the Death of Pope Pius XII
A Brief Biography of This Great Pope
On March 4th 1876, Monsignor Giuseppi Pacelli baptized his two-day old nephew with the imposing name Eugenio Maria Giuseppi Giovanni...

° Paul VI Soon to Be “Canonized”
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
We all knew the charade of canonizing the infamous Paul VI would arrive eventually. Well, this ceremony is now scheduled to take place in the Vatican on October 14 of this year. Incredible! Giovanni Battista Montini, the man who is most responsible for the destruction of the Faith through the implementation of Vatican II, is now soon to be called “St. Paul VI”!....

° Portugal in the Design of Divine Providence
A Lecture Delivered at the 2017 Fatima Conference by Rev. Fr. Brendan Hughes, CMRI
Of all places and people, why did Our Lady deign to appear at Fatima? Let us reflect on the nation’s history and the fervor of her people, which merited precedence for Portugal in the design of divine providence....

° St. Maria Goretti: A Model of Purity and Forgiveness
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Just as Our Lord shed His Blood for us, so down through the course of the history of the Catholic Church there have been many martyrs who shed their blood in defense of their faith in Christ and in His Church, and in defense of virtue....

° American Heroes of the Faith
America’s First Religious Sisters
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Until now, we have concentrated in this column on some of the early priests and religious brothers who labored for souls in our land, many of whom shed their blood for the spread of the Faith. Needless to say, these religious came from Europe, as it would be some years before there were native-born vocations in America. The same can be said of religious women. As the new nation developed, there were religious orders of women who sent members from various European nations to found convents in the United States....

° Servus Mariae
Our Lady’s Intercession
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
The members of the Catholic Church have been described as all saints, all souls and all sorts. In order to save our souls, we all need Our Lady’s assistance and intercession. Even the salvation of the innocent is not secure without Mary’s help. Many who once were innocent surrendered to temptation, committed mortal sin and perished.....
Spiritual Aids for Confraternity Members for the months of July, August and September

° World Watch (short news stories compiled by The Reign of Mary staff):
“Life at Conception Act” Would Overturn Roe v. Wade
“God Made You That Way”
Former London Convent now an Abortuary
Psychiatrist Appeals for More Exorcisms
Australian Law Violates the Seal of Confession
Council of Cardinals to Deliver Report to Francis
Why Homeschooling is Growing
Novus Ordo Priest to Speak at World Meeting of Families
Ireland Ends Abortion Ban
Francis Sends Message to Muslims on Ramadan