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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 166, Fall 2017
° Martin Luther
The Life and Legacy of an Arch-Heretic
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
As Protestants around the world (and modernist heretics in the Vatican) celebrate this year the 500th anniversary of the Protestant revolt against the Catholic Church, it behooves us Catholics to re-examine the life and teachings of the apostate monk who began the so-called “Reformation”....
° The Harmony and Consistency of the Teaching of the Catholic Church on Baptism of Desire
by the Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI
This compendium of the Catholic Church’s teaching on Baptism of Desire has been compiled for the simple reason that, occasionally and unfortunately, there are small numbers of misguided souls who reject it and tragically place their own personal misinterpretations over the clear and consistent teaching of the Catholic Church in her solemn decrees and in her ordinary universal magisterium....
° In Mei Memoriam: Reflections on the Words of the Mass
Part III: Canon to the Last Blessing
by Martin Patrick Hughes, Ph.D.
First Domine Jesu Christe. This petition for peace continues uninterrupted in the next prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ Who didst say to Thy apostles, Peace I leave you, My peace I give you, regard not my sins, but the faith of thy Church; and vouchsafe to her that peace…“ It is instructive that as a prerequisite for this peace we ask Our Lord to disregard our sins and instead consider “the faith of Thy Church.”
° Fatima Conference 2017
Celebrating the Fatima Centennial
by Mother Mary Dominica, CMRI
October 2017 was here at last! The Fatima Conference would begin on the 11th, and this was to be a Conference like no other. Why? Because this October 13 was the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s final apparition at Fatima, during which 70,000 people witnessed the great Miracle of the Sun. Plans to make our Fatima Centennial celebration a glorious tribute to Our Blessed Mother and a truly memorable event had begun brewing since the end of last year’s Fatima Conference, and soon we would see the culmination of many months of planning and labor....
° Indulgences
Early Payment Reaps Eternal Rewards
by Sr. Mary Cabrini, OP
While taking a routine morning walk along a popular path, a young man’s attention was drawn to many sparkling flecks amid the dirt and gravel. His curiosity urged him to stoop down and gather a handful of these bright objects. With further study, he discovered he had a treasure of gold fragments. Each day after, he would effortlessly gather more and more. He wondered why others ignored the shimmering tidbits, but he continued this easy task that would eventually amount to a considerable sum. Similarly, we can gain indulgences with as little effort, slowly amassing an eternal fortune.....
° American Heroes of the Faith
The Dominicans’ Labor for the Faith in Florida
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
It is truly admirable to read of the lives of those selfless missionaries who left everything they knew in Europe to come to America to work for the salvation of souls. Often they left comfortable circumstances to live in hardship and poverty, braving every kind of danger and even death itself — all because they valued the immortal souls of the inhabitants of the newly discovered land of America...
° Catholic Family Life
Marriage is the Foundation of Social Order
A Speech by Don Feder to the World Congress of Families Regional Conference
We must defend marriage as the union of one man and one woman. More broadly, we need a renaissance of marriage if our civilization is to survive... [M]arriage is everywhere in decline. In the United States, in 1960, 72% of adults were married. By 2008, that figure had fallen to 51%. In other words, whether through divorce, the death of a spouse or a failure to marry at all, almost half of all adults in America are single. Among those in their prime childbearing years (ages 18 to 35), 65% were married in 1960, compared to only 26% today....
° Servus Mariae
Time and Eternity
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
When I was a child, growing up in a Catholic home and attending Catholic school, I was unaware of the fierce battle for my immortal soul waged by the world, the flesh and the devil. As I grew into my teen years, I gradually became aware of the spiritual combat in which I was engaged, and saw it double in its intensity. During the past years of my religious life and priesthood, I have witnessed the increase of the strength and deception of the evil forces. The spiritual warfare around us has reached the highest level, and I have become acutely aware of the fact that this spiritual battle is a fight to the end. This fight, a fight in which we all have to engage against evil spirits and our fallen nature, is to the death....
° World Watch (short news stories compiled by The Reign of Mary staff):
New Ecumenical “Mass” Being Created
A New Bishop for the Conciliar Church in Argentina
Over a Million Catholics Pray Rosary on Poland’s Border to Save Their Country
Return of the Black Death Plague
Catholic Youth Removed from Cathedral for Praying
Disney Debuts First “Boy Princess”
Philosopher Fired for Saying Francis’ Teaching Could Lead Many Souls to Hell
Co-Founder of Satanic Rock Band Given “Catholic” Funeral
Sale of Empty Convent Recalls Sisters’ Revolt

This issue: $2.25