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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 165, Summer 2017
° What Happened at Fatima
Compiled by The Reign of Mary Staff
Since a review of the Fatima story is most fitting during this 100th anniversary year, we have compiled here the following summary of the apparitions, focusing especially on the words of Our Lady and the angel.....
° Modesty in Dress
by the Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI is not only appropriate, but also necessary for our priests to preach to the faithful about the spiritual dangers that are so prevalent today in the areas of modesty and chastity. This pastoral letter is intended to assist the priests in their moral responsibility to instruct their parishioners....
° The Stumbling Block of the Papacy
Why Bergoglio Doesn’t Fit
It is fitting that the Pope, being the Vicar of Christ, should have a share in His Lord’s attribute of being a stumbling block to those who do not believe. In our day, this truth is being accentuated with particular force, although in a way that most would, presumably, never have expected...
° In Mei Memoriam: Reflections on the Words of the Mass
Part II: Canon through Agnus Dei
by Martin Patrick Hughes, Ph.D.
As we enter the Canon of the Mass, once again the first sentiment we encounter is humility: supplices rogamus ac petimus. “We therefore humbly pray and beseech Thee…” This prayer is offered specifically in Jesus’ name...

This issue: $4.25
° American Heroes of the Faith
Fr. Eusebio Francisco Kino, SJ: Tireless Missionary of the Southwest
Two years before Fr. Junipero Serra, the more famous Franciscan missionary of the southwest, was born, a saintly Jesuit priest passed away in that territory. His name was Eusebio Kino, an Italian Jesuit who was even more prolific in his work that the famed founder of the California missions....
° In Season — Out of Season
The Message of Our Lady of Fatima
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
My dearly beloved in Christ, today is not only the 10th Sunday after Pentecost, but it is also the 13th of the month, the 13th of August. This is significant because this was to have been one of the days on which Our Lady would appear to the children at Fatima 100 years ago. Since this year marks the 100th anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions, and today is the 13th of the month, I would like to speak about Our Lady of Fatima, her apparitions, and, in particular, her message....
° Servus Mariae
Avoiding Sins of the Tongue
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
Grace and time are God’s two greatest gifts to us in this life. Grace makes our souls holy and pleasing to God; it gives us the right to heaven. Although God frequently offers His precious grace to us, we often reject it because we are selfish, occupied with worldly things or we put our will before His...
° World Watch (short news stories compiled by The Reign of Mary staff):
Atheist: Bergoglio Doesn’t Care About Saving Souls
Vatican Official: Homosexual Activity in Vatican “Never Worse” Than Under Francis
Hurricane Irma: Man Gives Up Last Generator to Stranger
Francis Shifts Power from Rome on Liturgy
French Bishop “Ordains” Priest Using Pagan Ritese
Francis: Vatican II Liturgical Reform “Irreversible”
Francis: Sins of the Flesh are the “Most Minor Sins”
Two of the Four Dubia Cardinals Have Now Died
New Shroud Study Shows Blood of Tortured Man
Bergoglio: Christians Who Follow All Ten Commandments are Cowards
Catholic School Removes 162 Statues to be More “Inclusive,” Avoid Alienating Non-Catholics
Statue of Our Lady Survives Hurricane Harvey
A Little Known Fatima Miracle of October 13, 1917