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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 146, Spring 2012
Too Little, Too Late
The Vatican’s Latest Attempt to Rein in Its Liberated “Religious” Women
by Rev. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Last month the Vatican, through its Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, charged several American bishops with the task of reforming the LCWR (Leadership Conference of Women Religious). The LCWR is a group of religious superiors from various congregations of Sisters, representing most of the women religious of the Conciliar Church in this country...
Papal Infallibility and the Crisis in the Church Today
Part I: Explanation of Church Teaching on Papal Infallibility
by Rev. Fr. Noel Barbara
This two-part series is the translation of a lecture given originally in French by Fr. Barbara in the 1980’s. The author (who was probably the first European priest to come to the conclusion of the vacancy in the papal chair), after recalling the Catholic doctrine on the Church and its Magisterium, shows why the popes of Vatican II cannot be true popes.
Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Conversion of the Aztecs
Part II: “I Alone Have Engendered You and Brought You Forth”
by Rev. Fr. Brendan Hughes, CMRI
“But scarcely had the Most Holy Virgin of Guadalupe appeared and taken possession of her inheritance, when the Catholic Faith spread with the rapidity of light from the rising sun, through the wide extent and beyond the bounds of the ancient empire of Mexico. Innumerable multitudes from every tribe... recognized their natural dignity, forgot their misfortunes, put off their instinctive ferocity, and, unable to resist such sweet and tender invitations, came in crowds to cast their grateful hearts at the feet of so loving a Mother, and to mingle their tears of emotion with the regenerating waters of Baptism.”

This issue: $1.50
In Season — Out of Season
The Most Priceless Treasure of the Church: The Blessed Sacrament
by Rev. Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI
As priceless, as beautiful, as inspiring as St. Peter’s Basilica is, there is something in the Catholic Church infinitely more beautiful, infinitely more priceless, infinitely more valuable. This is what we honor today — the most sacred Body and Body of our Lord Jesus Christ in the tabernacle...
Adoremus in Aeternum
The Science of the Liturgy
Taken from Clerical Studies by Very Rev. J.B. Hogan, S.S., D.D.*
The professional knowledge of the Catholic priest is chiefly theological, but not exclusively so. Side by side with it stands another science not less sacred in its object, and, if anything, still more closely connected with the priesthood than theology itself: it is the science of the Liturgy.
The Wisdom of the Saints
The Twelve Degrees of Humility
Taken from the Holy Rule of St. Benedict
Jesus renounced pride from the time of His Birth, right up to His Crucifixion. In one of His sermons, Our Lord stated: “Everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and he who humbles himself shall be exalted” (Luke, 14:11). Therefore, let us humble ourselves before God in our prayers, works and actions, striving to gain everlasting glory.
Servus Mariae
Trust in God’s Love
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
God values our love to such an extent that He planned all His creation around us. He created mankind in order to lavish His love upon us and to be loved by us in return. And even when man turned away from Him by sinning, God could not endure the thought of losing the love of men, and so He sent His own Son as a Redeemer, to recapture our love...
World Watch (short news stories compiled by The Reign of Mary staff):
Vatican Launches Rare Criminal Probe into Leaks
Statue of the Virgin of Lepanto Found
Gambia: We Would “Rather Eat Grass” than Accept Homosexual Behavior
Priest Criticized for Announcing That Only Catholics in State of Grace
May Should Receive Communion
Holy Robe of Jesus Exposed
Ireland Proposes Law to Force Priests to Break Confessional Seal
Campbell’s Soup Not Family-Friendly
Seven-Foot Easter Bunny Leads Prayers During Mass
Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life Hosts Pro-Contraception,
Pro-IVF Speakers
13-year-old Girl Invents Cure for Hiccups
“De-Baptism” Movement Growing in Europe
Georgetown Invites Sebelius to Speak at Commencement Ceremony
Augsburg to Close 800 of Its 1000 Parishes
Japan Faces Severe Underpopulation; Resorts to “Rental Relatives”
A Horrific Trade: Powdered Baby Flesh
Football Coach: Homosexuality is a Sin
Colombia Redefines “Family” to Include Same Sex Unions