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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 142, Spring 2011
The Impossible Crisis (Part 2)
Sedevacantism and the Ordinary Universal Magisterium
by Mr. John S. Daly
...If you know and believe the unchanging Catholic Faith, you cannot possibly believe all that the Conciliar religion teaches in the decrees of Vatican II, in its encyclicals, in the common teaching of its bishops, in its officially approved and used liturgical texts, in its laws and disciplinary norms....
Teilhard de Chardin and Original Sin
The Man Whose Writings Contributed to the Foundations of the New Church
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
It has been nearly 50 years since the beginning of Vatican II, the council which inaugurated sweeping changes to every aspect of the Catholic religion. The council truly was a revolution — a revolt against the Church and against God. But who were the inspirations behind it? In this article, we look at one of the main architects of Vatican II — not that he was directly involved, but rather that his thinking and teachings inspired many of the changes of that infamous council. And yet, few Catholic today know who he is or what he taught.
Newpope — Not True Pope
The Head of the Conciliar Church Cannot Also be Head of the Catholic Church
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Either the Conciliar Church is the true Church of Christ or it is not. If it is the Church Christ founded, then we must be faithful and loyal members of it; if it is not, then we must sever all connection with it. Either the “popes” of the Conciliar Church are true Catholic popes or they are not....

This issue: $1.50
Hernando Cortes, Conquistador of Christ
Part X: La Noche Triste, the Night of Sorrows
by Rev. Fr. Brendan Hughes, CMRI
Although it might well have occasioned general revolt by the Aztec priests’ instigation, Cortes, in company with seven captains and soldiers, requested that Montezuma have the temple idols removed, and the image of their Lady, Santa Maria, and the cross placed in their stead.....
In Season—Out of Season
Motherhood Spiritual and Temporal
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Father Faber says that God created the heart of mothers as a reflection of His own love for us, His creatures. Certainly God´s love for us is beyond our ability to understand, to measure, to fathom — and that is like the heart of a mother. Who but God Himself could have created the heart of a mother? ....
Servus Mariae
The Spiritual Life and Self-Control
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
The fact that it is absolutely necessary to have self-control is indisputable. As a result, we are daily, throughout our entire life, engaged in a spiritual warfare. This is a war in which we have to act; we cannot hibernate. We have only two choices: that of doing God’s will or that of satisfying our sensual desires. The very salvation of our soul will depend upon the choice we make.
Adoremus in Aeternum
A Study of the Traditional Latin Mass: The Prayers Before Holy Communion
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the priest breaks the Sacred Host into two parts in imitation of Christ, Who broke bread before giving it to His apostles at the Last Supper. Unleavened bread was also broken in the Old Testament during the Passover to symbolize the suffering of the Chosen People during their captivity in Egypt. ...
The World in Review (short news stories compiled by The Reign of Mary staff):
Ex-Abortionist, Top Pro-Life Advocate Dies
Elderly Couple Euthanized Together
Idaho Legislature Passes Ban on Assisted Suicide
Finding of the Relics of Ss. Chrysanthus and Daria Proves Legend
Teen Nearly Dies After Swallowing Magnetic Tongue Rings
Marquette University to Offer Domestic Partner Benefits
Benedict XVI: Jews Not to Blame for Jesus’ Death
Support for Gay Rights Rising Among Catholics
Last Stronghold, Malta May Legalize Divorce
Rutgers University to Allow Co-ed Dorms
Christianity Ruled Harmful to Foster Children
New Bible Replaces “Virgin” with “Young Woman”
Passionist Retreat Center Offers Zen-Meditation, Yoga, Interfaith Dialogue
Human Heart Grown Using Adult Stem Cells
PETA Wants Bible Translation to Personalize Animals
Christians Asked to Bow to Allah
Aborted Fetal Cell Lines Used to Test Food Flavor Enhancers
Abbey Lists 17 Monks Accused of Sexual Abuse
High School Wrestler Refuses to Wrestle Girl; Forfeits Chance at State Title
Euthanasia of Infants with Disabilities Approved in Canada
Presbyterian Church Allows Gay Ministers
Obama Strips Conscience Clause Protections
Afghans Riot Over Florida Koran-Burning: 20 Dead
Boys Town Elects Hindu Chairman