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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 134, Spring 2009
The Legacy of a Humble Man
Compiled by the Staff of The Reign of Mary
Pierre Martin Ngo Dinh Thuc was born on October 6, 1897, to one of the leading Catholic families in Vietnam. The deeply religious atmosphere of the Ngo household is evidenced by Pierre's entrance at the age of 12 into a minor seminary, where he spent eight years before going on to the major seminary in Hue....
The Episcopal Consecrations Conferred by Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc
Excerpts from a 1992 article by Fr. Noel Barbara
...I have taken the trouble to describe the life of Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc in order to make it possible for my readers to know him better. It follows that he appears to us to have been a truly Catholic bishop, devoted to the Holy See and to the care of souls, a worthy successor to the Apostles in the mission lands, having well merited the designation which this title confers, from both the Roman Church and from his won nation....
Feeding Souls with the Doctrine of Truth
by Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
While the size and spread of the SSPX portrays a picture of vitality, not all is well within, particularly in the area of theology. Sadly, the exterior visage hides a confusion resulting from an incoherent and self-contradictory theological position. ...What is the source of all these errors, and why cannot the SSPX see clearly to reject these errors, which have been frequently pointed out, along with citations of sources of reference to authentic Catholic teaching? The reason, I believe, is because of a fundamental error which lies at the root of all the other errors of the SSPX....

This issue: $1.50
Hernando Cortes, Conquistador for Christ
by Rev. Fr. Brendan Hughes, CMRI
...Arriving in Santo Domingo towards Easter of 1504, Cortes was warmly greeted by Medina, Ovando's secretary, for the governor himself was away. As an old friend, MNedina gave Cortes hospitality in his house....
The Holy Shroud of Turin
by the Most Rev. Mark Pivarunas, CMRI
According to many of the saints and spiritual writers, one of the most efficacious means available to us to advance in the spiritual life is meditation on the Passiona nd Death of our Divine Savior Jesus Christ....
Featured Parish: St. Mary's Parish (Tacoma, Washington)
In 1973, several years after the New Mass had been promulgated by Paul VI, a group of Catholics in the Puget Sound area became increasingly aware of the evils of the Protestantesque services held in their parish churches. Faithful Catholics began to seek the Tridentine Latin Mass....
The Sacred Vessels Used at Holy Mass
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
In discussing the Mass, we have shown how everything that surrounds it merits the greatest reverence and respect. We will now describe the most holy of all items surrounding the Sacrifice of the Mass: those sacred vessels which actually hold the precious Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, and the linens with which the vessels come in contact....
“The Big Three” That Destroys Marriages: Part 3 Pornography Addiction
by Paula Marguerite Storm, B.A., M.I.L.S.
Sins against purity have existed since the earliest epochs of history, yet Christ shows the gravity of such offenses in the quote given above. However, the attack on marriage and the family, the shifting of mores, the lack of personal accountability promoted by modern psychology, the ubiquitous Internet and the lessening of the Church's influence have propelled the immoral practice of viewing pornography from being something hidden and shameful on the fringes of society to becoming an accepted part of everyday life.....
Other titles
Newsnotes (compiled by the staff of The Reign of Mary):
Vatican Official Defends Abortion for 9 year-old
EU to Put Animals Before Humans
Jesuits' Oregon Province Files for Bankruptcy
More Americans Losing Their Faith
Georgetown Covers Name of Jesus for Obama
Tragic Plane Crash Had Abortion Connection
Prominent Feminist Admits That Abortion is Murder
Protestors Shut Down Involuntary Euthanasia Lecture
Modest Attire Returning — for Now
Catholic Health Agency Partners with Abortion Providers
Grand Duke of Lexembourg “Washes Hands” of Euthanasia Law
Bishop Cancels Seder: It May Offend Jews
Notre Dame's Invitation to Obama Incites Furor
Judge Orders Homeschoolers into Public School
Catholic Universities Promote Promiscuity
EU Churches May Be Forced to Perform Same-Sex “Marriages”
Atheist Ad Campaign