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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 123, Spring-Summer 2006
Why the New Bishops Are Not True Bishops
by Rev. Anthony Cekada
A summary of Fr. Cekada's article disproving SSPX's claim that Novus Ordo bishops are validly consecrated....
The Da Vinci Code: A Blasphemous Distortion of History
In his book, Dan Brown grossly distorts history and completely fabricates historical events, interweaving them into his fiction so that many will be easily misled to believe his blasphemous attacks on Our Lord and His Church...
Featured Parish: Queen of the Holy Rosary Catholic Church (Phoenix, Arizona)
The nucleus of CMRI's Phoenix parish was first formed as early as 1970, which makes it one of the Congregation's first chapels outside the northern Idaho/eastern Washington area....
Corpus Christi
An Excerpt from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B.
...on no day of the year is the Church more triumphant or more demonstrative than she is upon this feast. Heaven is all radiant; our earth has clad herself with her best, that she may do homage to Him Who has said "I am the Flower of the fields, and the lily of the valleys" (Cant. ii:1)....
Servus Mariae: The Sower and the Seed
By Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
Part 4: The Cares of the World. The cares and the hardships of the world can be crushing and oppressive. Daily we toil and struggle in order to attain the necessities of life. Often, our worries and anxieties consume our time to such an extent that they strangle and choke any energy or effort we may to to exert toward the attainment of our spiritual necessities....

This issue: $1.50
The Origin of the Ecclesiastical Year
From Catholic Liturgics by Richard Stapper, S.T.D.
The ecclesiastical year originated in the annual observance of certain days in memory of Christ; these commemorative occurrences have a relation to one another and represent anew the historical progress and the supernatural benefits of the work of redemption...
Devotions to Our Mother of Sorrows
From the Raccolta
Short Catechism of Church History
From the Book by the Right Rev. Mgr. J. H. Ochtering, V. G.
Q. What great task awaited the action of the Church at the beginning of this century? R. The great task of reorganizing Church affairs in those countries where the destructive teachings of the eighteen century and the ravages of the revolution had spread....
The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
By Sister Mary Agatha, CMRI
...Since the 13th century, the Brown Scapular has been regarded as a sign that the wearer has dedicated himself to the Blessed Virgin in a special way...
The Marriage Vocation
By Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
Almighty God teaches us that the whole process of marriage, from falling in love and making the decision to marry, to exchanging vows and giving each other freely in physical union, and to the ultimate end of the physical union, the bearing of children — all this, He says, is a holy vocation, a calling, through which He calls us to Himself...
The Sacred Heart of Jesus: the Infinite Ocean of Mercy
From Jesus, King of Love by Fr. Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS.CC.
Our Lord is much more a parent to us than a dreadful Judge, because He knows where our evil intentions and where our weakness and ignorance begin. Hence that saying of St. Therese: "I have absolute trust in the justice of God and hope as much from it as I do from His mercy"....
Photo Feature: "Thou Art a Priest Forever..." (The Ordination of Fr. Joannes Heyne)
Lament for Empty Tabernacles (A poem attributed to Fr. Miguel Agustin Pro)
Other titles:
Death of Christ Denied
Abortion Debate
Judas Absolved?
Abortion Protestors Hail Supreme Court Decision
Crucifixes Allowed in Italian Schools
Anti-Abortion Rallies
Walking on Ice?
Religious Values in the Lives of Americans
Euthanization Laws Extended in the Netherlands
Sister Lucia Comes Home
Boston Miracle Baby
Consequences of Vatican II Continue
Women in the Postconciliar Church
Ecumenism Continues
Newly-Discovered Catacombs
Sainthood for Thurgood Marshall?
More Vatican II Churches Closing