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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 114, Summer 2003
Traditional Priests, Legitimate Sacraments
By Rev. Fr. Anthony Cekada
...“The priesthood is not just a privilege that stintingly permits something; it is a munus or officium (duty) to do something: to offer sacrifice and to dispense sacraments. So for a priest the real question is always: ‘What sacraments am I now obliged to confer?’”
Children Who Die Without Baptism
“There is so much speculation about infants and small children who die without being baptized: what happens to them? This question is all the more poignant when we consider the millions, if not tens of milions, of abortions that take place worldwide each year....”
Reception of Converts and Profession of Faith
According to the form approved by the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, July 20, 1859, and with the New Formula for the abjuration and profession of faith to be made by converts, approved by the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office as given in the Ecclesiastical Review, May, 1942.
“Tu Es Sacerdoes in Aeternum”
Photographic highlights of the May 31 ordinations of Fr. Gabriel Lavery, CMRI, Fr. John Trough, and Fr. Julian Gilchrist. Includes 14 photos with explanatory captions of the ordination ceremony.
By Timothy Duff
Our Lady of Fatima repeatedly asked for the daily Rosary. Do we take this part of her message seriously, or do we respond with excuses?

This issue: $1.50
Short Catechism of Church History
From the Book by Right Rev. Mgr. J. H. Oechtering, V.G.
...In the unsettled state of Europe, caused by the migration of nations, feudalism sprang up from the needs of the time and became a great element of public order....
Sanctifying Grace and Actual Grace
From the Lectures of Fr. Messias D. Coelho on the Message of Fatima, August 1967
When Our Lady appeared in October she said, “I come here to ask you to stop offending God.” There is only one means to do this, and that is to live in the state of grace...
Consueverunt Romani
Pope Pius V on the Rosary
...Following the example of our predecessors, seeing that the Church Militant, which God has placed in our hands, in these our times is tossed this way and that by so many heresies, and is grievously troubled and afflicted by so many wars, and by the depraved morals of men, we also raise our eyes, weeping but full of hope, unto that same mountain, whence every aid comes forth, and we encourage and admonish each member of Christ’s faithful to do likewise in the Lord....
by Fr. Dominic Savio Radecki, CMRI
The life of the intemperate person is governed by his sense of taste rather than by his reason. We must remind ourselves that “we do not live to eat, but eat to live.”