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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 112, Winter 2003
The Holy Season of Lent
by Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, CMRI
The holy season of Lent begins the Church’s solemn preparation for the glorious feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...
Post-Vatican II Statistics
Based on the following statistics, “Vatican II appears to have been an unrelieved disaster for Roman Catholicism...”
The Doctrine of Devils
by Mr. Tim Duff
There is a very grave error which is permeating and saturating our world, largely due to John Paul II and the false ecumenists of the Novus Ordo religion. This error is helping to prepare the way for Antichrist...
Rite of Dedication of a Church
From the Roman Ritual
The photos illustrating the various parts of the ceremony are from the recent dedication of Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Church in Phoenix on January 22, 2003. Bishop Mark Pivarunas officiated...
On the Question of Natural Family Planning
by Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI
...Well before Vatican II, moral theologians consistently reiterated the teaching of the Sacred Penitentiary and Pope Pius XII on the morality of rhythm...

This issue: $1.50
Suspension of the “Alleluia”
From The Liturgical Year by Abbot Gueranger, O.S.B.
The calendar of the liturgical year will soon bring us to the commemoration of the Passion and Resurrection of our Redeemer; we are but nine weeks from these great solemnities. It is time for the Christian to be preparing his soul for a fresh visit from his Savior; a visit even more sacred and more important than that He so mercifully paid us at His birth...
From the Lectures of Fr. Messias D. Coelho on the Message of Fatima, August 1967
If you do not understand what reparation is, you do not understand what Our Lady asked for and why she asked for so many acts of reparation. Let us see what reparation is...
Preparing the Home for a Sick Call
by Very Rev. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI
An inescapable part of Catholic family life — of any kind of life, for that matter — is sickness and death. There are many times in a family when a member is more or less seriously ill but recovers, and there will also be the time of a member’s last illness and death....
Mutual Love in Marriage
A Sermon Delivered by Fr. Dominic Savio Radecki, CMRI
Interestingly enought, the most important and difficult vocation in the world is the one which, in practice, carries the least preparation. With the two little words, “I do,” you give yourself, body and soul, totally and completely to the one you love....
Moral Theology Questions
Do Christians become martyrs by dying in the voluntary service of plague-stricken victims?...
Monastic Life
From the Short Catechism of Church History by Right Rev. Msgr. H. H. Oechtering
...During the third century monastic life originated, which is a life led in seclusion from the world and devoted to the pursuit of higher Christian perfection....
by Fr. Dominic Savio Radecki, CMRI
This article is a warning to be on the alert for the vice of sloth which may creep into one’s life without notice. If observed closely, it reveals itself in spiritual complacency, moral apathy, unassertiveness in parting, idleness, moral and spiritual fatigue....
Other titles:
A Format for Mental Prayer
The Fourteen Holy Helpers
John Paul II Visits Muslim and Orthodox Countries
Low Church Attendance in Europe and North America
Loss of Faith in Latin America
Priest Shortage
New Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury
and more...