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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 106, Summer 2001
The Church is Not Above Christ
By Timothy A. Duff
By Divine Revelation we know that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, founded the Holy Roman Catholic Church. He vested her with His divine authority precisely in order to preserve and amdinister what He had given her....
Putting God Back in the Public Square
By Roy S. Moore, Circuit Judge, 16th Judicial District
Twice in recent years the Honorable Roy S. Moore has been sued for displaying the Ten Commandments in his courtroom....
The Purposes of the Sacred Liturgy
From Catholic Liturgics by Richard Stapper, S.T.D.
The first and most excellent purpose of liturgy is to give honor to God, to glorify God in a manner which best corresponds to the obligation resting upon the entire human race....
Questions and Answers in Moral Theology
Cases of Conscience from the Casuist
Mr. B., a firm believer in modern methods of public sanitation, has made provision in his will that after his death his body shall be cremated. May he receive the Last Sacraments and Christian burial, and why is the Church so opposed to cremation?

This issue: $1.50
Pope Pius XII on the Assumption
“You well know the motive for which We have convoked this Sacred Consistory today. It is an event which will fill us, you and the whole Catholic world with unspeakable joy. On the radiant brow of the Queen of Heaven and of the beloved Mother of God will be wreathed with new splendor, when, under divine inspiration and assistance, We shall solemnly define and decree her bodily Assumption into heaven....”
The First Apparition of Our Lady at Fatima
By Rev. Fr. Messias D. Coelho
The children's day had started early. They had gone to Mass at St. Anthony's parish church in Fatima at seven or seven-thirty. They left the church at about eight-thirty and went back home. It took half-an-hour to walk from the church to Aljustrel....
On Frequent Reception of Holy Communion
By Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
Most fittingly has Jesus given to Himself the title “Bread of Life,” for as bread sustains the life of the body, so also Holy Communion sustains the life of the soul. The life of the body cannot be supported for any great length of time without food, for it would grow weak and die. Even more so, the life of grace in the soul, which is far more precious, cannot be properly fostered and preserved without the sustenance of the Holy Eucharist.
Other titles:
Unauthentic Liturgy
Marble Monstrosity
Playing God Doesn't Work
and more...