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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 103, Fall 2001
Our Lady of Guadalupe: A Photographic Mission
By Howard Earp
Howard Earp was president of the portland Apostolate of Our Lady of Guadalupe and a special agent for the FBI. This article first appeared in the Mount Angel Letter shortly after his privileged mission in 1963 to photograph the miraculous image.
Dominus Jesus: A Reaffirmation of Heresy
By Thomas Franklyn
True Catholics were interested to see that the heretics in the Vatican recently published a document aimed at “answering questions that have arisen in the context of ecumenical activities,”...
Anno Domini 2000: Twenty Centuries of Catholicism
By Sister Mary Dominica, CMRI
With such a theme, how could this year's Fatima Conference have been anything but a compact course in Church history? ...
A Short History of Sacred Heart Chapel
By Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Konich
Over 25 years ago, a small group of concerned Catholic men and women began meeting every First Friday for a Holy Hour, petitioning our dear Lord for the return of the true Latin Mass ....

This issue: $1.50
Requiescant in Pace
By Very Rev. Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI
On October 3, we received word that a zealous traditional Catholic of Frederick, Maryland, had passed away. For some years Jim McNally had been involved in the propagation of traditional Catholicism on the Internet, by his “Fortes in Fide” web site. Then about two weeks later, after concluding attendance at her 40th Fatima Conference, Addie Hess quietly departed this life....
Virtue is Greater Than Dignity
By Tim Duff
It seems those who exalt virtue over dignity gain both, whereas those who exalt dignity over virtue lose both....
Matins Lessons for the Feast of Christmas
From the Roman Breviary
These lessons are read (or solemnly chanted, if Matins is sung) just before the Midnight Mass of Christmas takes place, interspersed among the nine psalms of Matins....
Questions and Answers in Moral Theology
Cases of Consience from The Casuist
This moral case is particularly applicable to the so-called recreational use of drugs. Although morphine use is considered here, its misuse applies to the use of other drugs today, which are often far more harmful to both soul and body.
The Missionary Spirit of the Church
By Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
...When we say that the Catholic Church is apostolic, we mean two things. Primarily, we mean that the true Church founded by Christ must be able to trace its origin, its succession and its doctrine to the twelve Apostles....
The Angel of Portugal
By Rev. Fr. Messias, D. Coelho
The story of Fatima began, not in 1916, but in 1915, with three silent apparitions of the Angel. Most books refer only to the apparitions of 1916. Although the 1916 apparitions were more important, nevertheless, there was in the earlier visions a message consisting of three very important points....
In His Will Is Our Peace
By Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
Knowing the spiritual dangers of modern society which beset us on a daily basis, Our Lady of Fatima revealed to mankind a solution, a program of life in harmony with the teachings of the Gospel....
Other titles:
Sacrilegious Practice Enshrined
Vocations Crisis
Long-Term Cost of Abortion
and more...