Sisters’ Spring 2022 Photos
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The Sisters in Tacoma, Washington, joined their parish’s festivities as they celebrated Ladies’ Day.
Mount St. Michael’s Catholic Kids for Life participated in Spokane’s St. Patrick’s Day parade. Providentially their club color is green.
Sr. Marie Vianney teaches the Handmaids of the Queen Sodality how to make string rosaries for the missions.
In late April, Sr. Maria Kazimiera traveled with several students who participated in the National Archery Tournament in Utah.
On the senior trip to western Washington, the Sisters and young ladies attended Mass on Ascension Thursday at St. Joseph’s in Mount Vernon.
The first time we used the outdoor grill was Easter Sunday, despite the fact that this spring was so cool and wet that it snowed on Good Friday! (We ate inside.)
Honoring our heavenly Mother on Mother’s Day, the Sisters prayed a living Rosary at Mary Immaculate Queen Church, Rathdrum, Idaho.
Sr. Mary Teresita poses with the First Communicants at Most Holy Rosary Church, Middleville, Michigan.
St. Philomena’s Academy took a school trip to visit Sacred Heart Basilica at Notre Dame, Indiana, stopping to pray at the Lourdes grotto there
Sr. Therese Marie and Sr. Michael Marie, who accompanied the girls on their senior class trip, enjoy an afternoon of kayaking with them.
When the pandemic first began, the Sisters promised Mary Immaculate Queen to have her statue carried in a Rosary procession each year on her feastday in thanksgiving for her maternal protection.
Our two postulants pose with Rev. Mother Mary Agnes. On Mother’s Day, we honor our superiors in a special way.