Sisters’ Fall 2021 Photos
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Faces aglow, Sisters line up for the candlelight Rosary procession during the annual Fatima Conference. Keeping the candles lit as the evening breeze picks up is always a challenge.

Sr. Marie Vianney gives directions for playing a game during the
All Saints’ Day celebrations at St. Michael’s Academy

How does one choose a winner? Fantastic costumes always makes
judging All Saints’ Day costumes one of the biggest challenges for
teachers. The students at St. Theresa’s in Maine prove this.

Sr. Mary Petra listens intently to Mr. Don Harding. On Veterans’ Day, he spoke to the assembly at Mount St. Michael about St. Michael’s powerful protection.

Two new additions this fall include Bruno the Bunny and Soxi the kitten. The fall leaves provided a beautiful place for their first encounter.

An afternoon tea in early October for the sodality’s 50-year anniversary was a reunion of local sodalities (Rathdrum, Tacoma, Spokane) at Mount St. Michael.

Taking part in a ceremony during the golden jubilee of Our Lady’s sodality, Sisters light their candles at Our Lady’s shrine while they pray the Little Crown of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Early in the school year, the Sisters running the Villa Maria, the girls’ boarding house at Mount St. Michael, took the boarders to a local tea house for a special luncheon. Occasional outings help to build a family spirit.

All of the Sisters share devotion for the souls in purgatory with their students, and during November, the month dedicated to them, they often go to the cemetery to pray for the faithful departed.

Remembering Holy Souls during November. While Rev. Mother Mary Agnes visited the mission in Middleville, Michigan, the Sisters made special trip up to pray at Bishop Robert McKenna’s grave near Grand Rapids

Sodality moderaters Sr. Mary Julianna, Sr. Marie Vianney and Sr. Margaret Mary pose with the Children of Mary, Messengers of Mary and Regina Immaculata Sodalities at their advancement ceremonies at Mount St. Michael in Spokane, Washington.