Archbishop Ngo Dinh Thuc
The History of CMRI
All Religious Orders and Congregations in the Catholic Church began as small communities of devout men and women united by simple guidelines. Over a period of time, each Order adopted a Rule and Constitutions which were approved by the Church. The Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen, or CMRI (Congregatio Mariae Reginae Immaculatae), has followed the same steps.
The Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen began in 1967 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, as an association of lay Brothers and Sisters devoted to spreading the message of Our Lady of Fatima. But within a few years, the members of the Congregation came to realize that, in addition to their Fatima apostolate, they were called upon to minister to the spiritual needs of many Catholics who could not in conscience accept the Modernism of Vatican II. With the death of Pope Pius XII, and with the convocation of the Second Vatican Council, an unprecedented situation befell the Church, which attacked her very doctrines and worship. The lectures on the Fatima message given by the priests and Brothers now included explanations of the problems with the Novus Ordo and the new teachings issued by Rome. Publications were produced and distributed to promote the defense and preservation of the traditional Catholic Faith.
The Congregation continued its labors through the years, establishing mission circuits and schools, and expanding the apostolic center to include a printing facility. Then, in July 1986, the Congregation held its first general chapter at Mount St. Michael in Spokane, Washington. During this meeting, CMRI established its Rule and Constitutions, which were approved that same year by Bishop Robert McKenna, O.P., whose episcopal lineage can be traced back to Archbishop Pierre Martin Ngo-dinh-Thuc. (Archbishop Thuc received extraordinary patriarchal powers from Pope Pius XI on March 15, 1938. By means of these faculties, he could legitimately consecrate bishops without the usual mandate from Rome. These faculties were renewed on December 8, 1939, by Pope Pius XII and were never rescinded.)
After the first General Chapter, the seminary at Mount St. Michael nearly emptied itself as priests were sent out to care for traditional Catholics throughout the country. Starting out first with Mass circuits through various areas, the priests soon realized that permanent parishes were a positive need. By 1992, chapels in Omaha, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Akron, and Detroit, which previously had only periodic visits from traditional priests, now had resident pastors. The early 1990’s also saw the transition of the seminary from Spokane to Omaha, where Bishop Mark Pivarunas, the seminary rector, was (and is) pastor of Mary Immaculate Church. Only a few priests and Brothers remained at Mount St. Michael, while over 30 Sisters abode in three different convents in the area, many of them making a daily half-hour commute to their duties at the Mount. So, in 1996 a solution to multiple difficulties was found by exchanging residences, with the Sisters moving into the Mount, which became their motherhouse, and the priests and Brothers moving to the nearby convent, which became the new rectory.
In addition to St. Michael’s Academy in Spokane and Mary Immaculate Queen School in Rathdrum, which have been part of the Sisters’ apostolate since early on in the Congregation, CMRI now has additional schools in several other areas. The Sisters also have seven additional convents, as well as a separate cloistered novitiate near the motherhouse, where the younger Sisters receive their formation until they are ready to be introduced into the active apostolate.
St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary, another addition to the works of CMRI, was established in Rathdrum, Idaho, in 1999. For years it had been the dream of the rector, Fr. Benedict Hughes. There the seminarians receive a basic high school curriculum, as well as a schedule and studies that will help foster a priestly vocation.
CMRI's Mater Dei Seminary remains near Omaha, Nebraska, having acquired a new property out in the Iowa countryside in 2019. Situated on ten acres of land and with housing for up to 20 seminarians, this seminary campus provides a wonderful retreat atmosphere. In 2022, the seminary for CMRI religious was moved to Rathdrum, Idaho, and was named St. Louis Marie de Montfort Seminary. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI, and Fr. Gabriel Lavery, CMRI, give classes to our major religious seminarians. The novitiate for the CMRI Brothers is in Olathe, Colorado, on the property of St. Joseph’s Church with Fr. Bernard Welp, CMRI as the superior of the novices.
Over the years, numerous other chapels have been opened throughout the country, many with resident pastors. From these hubs, the priests of CMRI currently service a total of over 120 Mass centers throughout the United States and abroad. The current Superior General of CMRI is Bishop Mark A. Pivarunas, and the Mother General of the Marian Sisters is Reverend Mother Mary Agnes.
In order to provide for the preservation of the Catholic Faith and the traditional Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Sacraments, the priests, Brothers and Sisters of the Religious Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen profess and adhere to the Catholic Faith as it had been consistently taught throughout the centuries since the time of Christ. CMRI upholds the 1917 Code of Canon Law and the principle of epikeia which reflects the mind of the Church that “the salvation of souls is the supreme law.” The CMRI religious continue to promote Our Lady’s requests at Fatima to pray the Rosary, wear the scapular, and to practice reparation and amendment of life; they also live and promote the total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary of St. Louis Marie de Montfort.
As we conclude this brief history, we ask your prayers for an increase in vocations. There are so many souls pining for the Mass, the sacraments, and good Catholic education. “Pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that He send laborers into His harvest.”