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The Reign of Mary, Issue No. 167, Winter 2018
° The Eastern Orthodox Schism
Why the Eastern Orthodox Churches Are Not Truly Orthodox
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Many Catholics are bewildered by the crisis in the Church today. Looking to the Vatican, they cannot dispute the evident heresy that is being promulgated in the nsme of Catholicism. Disillusioned, some have even opted for the claims of the Orthodox in their search for answers....
° The Fourth Commandment and the Deterioration of Society
by Rev. Fr. Eugen Rissling
...Even as an adult, one cannot and should never treat parents as one treats a stranger. Of course, their influence on one’s way of life diminishes with increasing age. Nevertheless, even then they remain our parents, which is why they have some privileges of their own, such as to openly give their opinion or advice....
° The Necessity of Penance
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
...[F]asting and other forms of penance are thoroughly Christian practices, inspired by the example and teaching of Jesus. We might even say that fasting and penance, among other things, indicate a true follower of Our Lord — to the point that a complete absence of penance indicates a sham Christianity...

This issue: $2.25
° How to Act Towards Invalidly Married Catholics
by Donald F. Miller, C.SS.R.
One of the most common and difficult moral problems that must be faced by Catholics today is that concerning the right attitude to be taken towards Catholics who have publicly renounced the grace of God by entering an invalid mariage. Sometimes parents have to face the problem when a son or daughter takes this fateful step. Other relatives, friends, neighbors, business associates, fellow parishioners, not infrequently run into the same thing...
° The Reverence Due to the Blessed Sacrament
by the Very Rev. Fr. Casimir Puskorius, CMRI
One thing we must realize is that the Sacrifice of Our Lord did not begin on Good Friday morning. Rather, it began at the Last Supper, which is why we say that Our Lord offered the first Mass on Holy Thursday. During the Mass, we know, the bread and wine is changed into the very Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ...
° Respice Stellam, Voca Mariam
Mother of the Crucified
From the Servite magazine, Queen of the Missions, June-July 1955
No one can err by taking the Marian road to Jesus — in any of His manifestations... No Christian tradition is more sound that this: that the contemplation of the Sorrows of Mary is the most effective approach to the sufferings of Jesus. She who gave Him the power to die is best qualified to conduct us through the veils surrounding that staggering mystery of the “God who died to prove He could not die.”....
° American Heroes of the Faith
The Massacre at Rappahannock
by Rev. Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI
Long before the martyrs of North America (Ss. Isaac Jogues, John de Brebeuf and companions), another group of eight Jesuits was martyred in the present-day state of Virginia. Sadly, their story is most unknown to American Catholics. But in order to understand their history, we must first briefly review the history of the colonization of Florida...
° Servus Mariae
Why Self Denial?
by Rev. Fr. Dominic Radecki, CMRI
Because of the two conflicting forces within human nature, the spirit and the flesh, we find within ourselves a Dr. Jeckylll and a Mr. Hyde, a saint and a sinner struggling for the mastery of our soul. The whole purpose of the spiritual life — the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, prayer, the Ten Commandments, etc. — is to free our souls from the slavery of the flesh and to subject them to reason, conscience and the rule of God....
Spiritual Aids for Confraternity Members for the months of April, May and June
° World Watch (short news stories compiled by The Reign of Mary staff):
Paul VI to be “Canonized” This Year
Francis and Buddha
Blase Cupich and the New Bergoglian Paradigm
Vatican-China Accord Ready for Signing
Tragic Turn of Events in Nuns’ Legal Battle
Humpback Whale Assumes Role of Guardian Angel
Nebraska Governor Hopes to Defund Planned Parenthood
Francis Honors Abortion Supporter
Francis to Visit World Council of Churches Center
Feminist Not Bothered by Tragic Death of Boy
College Students Losing Their Freedom of Speech
Mothers’ Day Cards Now “Gender-Nuetral”
Homosexual Activists Force Closure of Christian Bridal Shop